Serial NO.: S00305035-EN
Date of Editing: 2016-05-05
E Series Controller
Advanced E Controller AR-837E/EF, 821EFV9/V5, 881EF, 829EV3/V5, 725EV2, 727HV5, 327HV5 / 2-Door Controller 721EV1+WG Reader/ Multi-Door 721E-V2 + H Controller could be assigned User Card Time for both Start Date and Expiry Date.
For example: The User card can be used during 2016/4/1~2016/4/30
Multi-Door 716E+H Controller
716E+H Series Controller could be assigned only for Expiry Date
For example: the User card can be used before 2016/4/30, but doesn't been limited the Start Date 2016/4/1
H Series Controller
H Series Controller without 716E is not available for the function due to the hardware Memory Limit