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How do I upgrade AR-401E firmware?
No. S00603002-EN

Serial NO : S00603002-EN

Date of Editing :  2008-10-28

Questions : How do I upgrade AR-401E firmware?

Problem Solving :


There are three modules in programmable controller, which are listed as below:

AR-401E : 2 scan channel processor module

AR-401DI : 16-channel digital input module

AR-401RO16 : 16-channel relay output module


ISPTools is included in Soyal Device Tools, you can find this software in Soyal CD-ROM or you can download from Soyal website.

  1. Select communication port
  2. Select controller AR-401E
  3. Select Target Node number
  4. Click【Load F/W(*.ISP) File】button
  5. Click【Upgrade Target(Program)】button
  6. Exit ISPTool software
  • Do not offline or power off the controller during firmware upgrade.
  • After firmware upgrade is finished, remember to adjust baud rate to the application setting. Please refer to the following table for detailed information.


Application & baud rate table:

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