Serial NO : S00603001-EN
Date of Editing : 2008-10-28
Questions : How to update AR-401E/ AR-401RO/ AR-401DI firmware?
Problem Solving :
Please execute ISPTools from Soyal Device Tools and then refer to the following instructions
to update AR-401E firmware:
If the module is AR-401RO16/ AR-401DI, please select “AR721H/W(125K/13.56M)”
If the module is AR-401E, please select “AR401E”
* Please do not offline or shutdown the controller during ISP upgrade.
Please adjust SW5, 6 to OFF position to set up the modules to Baud rate 9600. You can refer the following figure and instruction for information:
Module: AR-401E
Adjust Node ID to 1, and baud rate is 9600
Select controller “AR-401E” to upgrade firmware.
Module: AR-401DI/ AR-401RO
Adjust Node ID to 1, and baud rate is 9600
Select controller “AR-721H/W” to upgrade firmware.
SW1-4 : Node ID selection
SW5-6 : Baud rate selection
SW 7 : DHCP selection
SW 8 : Ethernet/ RS-485 selection
AR-401RO16 connect to the controller: 4800 bps
ISP upgrade: 9600 bps
AR-401E connect to AR-401RO : 19200 bps