Serial NO : S01101002-EN
Date of Editing : 2019-07-01
Questions : Enabling free access time zone for specific floors via Lift Control software
Required/Applied Condition:
For direct connection, controller must be installed with custom firmware (ask Soyal Team for assistance)
AR-725E/AR-331E : APS725Ev2__V0402_181229 AutoLift UART3.STM
AR-837E : APS837E_V0401_181012 AutoLift UART3.STM
AR-727H-V5 : APS727Ev5__V0402_181229 AutoLift UART3.STM
AR-837EF-3DO/AR-327H-V5 : APS837EF___V0401_181225 3DO Autolift UART3.STM
AR-837EF-9000DO : APS837EF___V0401_181225 Autolift UART3.STM
Connected via multi-door controller such as AR-716E or AR-721E-V2, no custom firmware needed.
Additional purchase required for lift control system is:
- AR401RO16BNC (16 floors lift control board, floors beyond 16 can purchase another unit)
- TTL converter to RS485: for H series controller AR-321L485, for E/H-V5 series controller AR-725L485
- USB to RS485 converter: AR-321CM
-Enable user to access specific floor during free access time zone.
-Available with 16 different free access zone
Problem Description:
Problem Solving:
Part 1. Node ID
Step 1.
-If you are connected to multi door controller such as AR-716E or AR-721E-V2, input your multi-door controller node ID
-If you are NOT connected to multi door controller such as AR-716E or AR-721E-V2, input 255
Step 2.
- If you are connected to multi door controller such as AR-716E or AR-721E-V2 or NOT, input node ID of you controller installed in the lift.
Part 2. Communication Setting
Step 3. Lift Control can only support RS485 via COM port connection and 701Server
-If you are choosing COM (RS485) you have to make sure you’re your controller is online and close 701Server
-If you are choosing 701Server, you have to run 701 Server once operating this function.
Tips: it is suggested using 701Server so the there will be no time and date difference because it will be generated by system.
Part 3. Free Access Time Zone
Step 4. You can create up to 16 different time zone by selecting from Index 01~16 and enter the start and end time
Step 5. Your time zone will appear on Time Table column
Step 6. Assign which day of the month you want to enable the free access time zone by ticking the box
Note: for Holiday, you can set up on 701Client (see instruction below)
Direct: Set up holiday edit in 701Client and download to controller
Bypass: Set up holiday edit in 701Client and must be downloaded to controller under AR-716E or AR-721E-V2 (multi-door controller can’t control holiday edit, only controller can control. To download holiday edit to controller, must disconnect from multi-door controller, RS485 must connect to controller itself.)
Part 4. Select Access Floors
Step 7. Assign which floor you want to enable the free access time zone by ticking the box
FORCE function:
Force function is to force open or force close (latch mode).
To enable, select which floor and node ID you want to force open> click [Force]
To disable, untick the box> select which floor and node ID you want to force close> click [Force]
Part 5. Write, Read, and Clear Setting
Step 8. After done will all configuration, select [Write] to save.
Step 9. If you want to read saved configuration, select [Read].
Step 10. To clear all of the setting after you read it, select [Clear]
Part 6. Import and Export Lift Control Setting
Step 11. You can export saved configuration into a TXT file by selecting [To Text]
Step 12. If you want to load saved configuration from your PC, select [From Text]