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How to cancel SOYAL encryption function for EM reader?
No. H00213001-EN

Serial NO. : H00213001-EN

Date of Editing : 2011-06-28

Questions :  How to cancel SOYAL encryption function for EM reader?

Problem Solving :

Example 1: When you encrypt AR-727HB controller, it will only respond to encryption card. If you take normal card, the controller will have long “beep” sound and have no response. How can we cancel encryption function?


  1. Please enter programming mode. * 123456 #
  2. Select “5. Tools”
  3. Select “9. Control Mode”
  4. Please press # to into next page
  5. Tags Format: 1: Normal
  6. Press * * # to exit programming mode
  7. Setting complete


Example 2: AR-721HB controller, how to cancel encryption function?

          Notice 1: AR-721HB has different command for new and old controller.

            Notice 2: When you enter programming mode, the old controller will beep one time. The new controller will beep 4 or 6 or 8 times.


  1. Old controller cancel encryption function:
    1. Enter programming mode then press command : 01 * 0000 #
    2. Press * # to exit the programming mode
    3. Setting complete


  1. New controller cancel encryption function:
    1. Enter programming mode then press command : 01 * 000000000 #
    2. Press * # to exit the programming mode
    3. Setting complete
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