Serial NO. : H00709001-EN
Date of Editing : 2011-10-28
Questions : When delete card from 725H and then try to add same card, but cannot to register. Why?
Problem Solving :
One client mentioned that he deleted the card at user address 00107 and then he cannot add same card at same user address or other user address. The reason is that he input the wrong command.
Delete card command is 10*SSSSS9EEEEE#
Suspend card command is 10*SSSSS*EEEEE#
SSSSS = starting user address
EEEEE = ending user address
For example, you want to delete card [A] at user address 00107. You should input 10*00107900107#
If you input 10*00107*00107#, the card [A] will be invalid either. But you cannot register card [A] at other user address, which means you only suspend the card [A] not make card [A] to be raw card again. Card [A] still occupies the user address 00107 and you cannot register card [A] at any user address.
There are two ways to make card [A] to be raw card.
If you forgot the user address that you set for card [A], please connect to PC and then execute 701Client to check the user address by card number or use CommView software to delete card.