Serial NO :S00315015-EN
Date of Editing : 2013-09-27
Problem Description: Many Customer would open single door via software then the door can automatically close based on door relay time and close all doors online via pressing one button via software, however , current 701client don’t support these function
Problem Solving :
Pls refer to below screenshot, we upgrade version “701ClientSetup805 0918”,
Since the version, 701client will add two new option.
Option 1 is to add “Pulse” and “Latch” as Open Mode option,
Before Use Open/Close single or All doors option, pls select “Open mode” as your request
Pulse mean the door will automatically close based on the time period of door relay
Latch mean the door will keep opening status ( door relay keep latch off status ) till press “Close”, the relay will release to close door
Option2 is to add “Close All ” Doors Option , then all online doors can be closed by pressing the button
If your client also need the function, pls make sure to upgrade 701Client version later then version “701ClientSetup805 0918”