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How to reset after a failure of updating E-series controller’s firmware?
No. S01301002-EN

Serial NO : S01301002-EN

Date of Editing :  2014-09-05

Questions : How to reset after a failure of updating E-series controller’s firmware?

Problem Description:

The controller hangs after downloading the firmware. The controller’s LCD remains blank and “Err” LED indicator keeps flashing Red and keypad has no response.

Problem Solving:

The controller could be reset by entering the boot loader and updating the firmware again. Please kindly follow the steps as below:


  1. Cut off the controller’s power.
  2. Pressing the “Reset” button for a hold and then repower the controller at the same time. When Err flashes red, you can let go the reset button. Now, the controller goes to “boot loader” status, and default boot loader address is
  3. Update the firmware again, Run UDP updater:

A. Enter the default boot loader address:

B. Load the controller’s firmware

C. Click Update F/W

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