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While 721H connected with 716E, how to use Level Comparison function to set up one user card accessing the door with...
No. S00305034-EN

Serial NO.: S00305034-EN

Date of Editing: 2015-08-18


While 721H connected with 716E, how to use Level Comparison function to set up one user card accessing the door with Card & Pin and another door with Card only?

For example, we need to set up user card to access two doors “001 Royal Hoyel” & “002 SOYAL Hotel” with different Access Mode.
For 001 Door “Royal Hovel”, User Access Mode is Card only, Set up Group Level『01』
For 002 Door “Soyal Hotel” User Access Mode is Card only「Card & Pin」, Set up Group Level『02』
Note (1):For Level 00~63, Larger Level Number mean Higher Level
Note (2):Each Door Group can link to other Door Group; we set up Group 001 Royal Hoyel link to Group 002 Soyal Hotel; so that one user car can access two door group.


Time Zone Level00』      

24 hours Access Time                                     User Card Level02


In the example, we set up User00001 to access in Time Zone01 and Group 001,
How can the user access two doors of Royal Hoyel & Soyal Hotel for whole day time 00:00~24:00
Although we set up User Access Mode at Card & PIN, the user can acces Royal Hoyel with Card Only but access Soyal Hotel with Card & Pin
The reason is that we use Level Comparison Function to realize;

In “Card and PIN” Access Mode, the User Card can access the door with Card Only if its level is higher than both Time Zone Level and Door Group Level; the User Card can access the door with Card and PIN if its level is equal to both Time Zone Level and Door Group Level; can’t access the door if its level is lower than Time Zone Level or Door Group Level.

Level Comparison Rule Chart

Level Comparison Chart for the example

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