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How to let one user card access some door by card only and other door by card+pin?
No. S00306008-EN

Serial NO.: S00306008-EN

Date of Editing:  2010-05-07


■ Required/Applied Condition: 701Server/Client , reader under 716E or 829E
■ Function: Let same user access some door by card only and other door by card+pin
■ Problem Description:
■ Problem Solving:
Hardware: 3 pcs 721H connect to one 716E , or 3 pcs 829E.
Request: user use card only in reader1, 2, use card+pin in reader3.
For achieving the request, pls understand the level define firstly.

User level

(available reader3)

(available reader1,2)

Access Mode
11Card and Pin
10Card Only

Step1. Edit every reader name

Step2. Edit Group1 can access door3 , level 01 and link to Group 002

Step3. next edit Group2 : access door1 and door2, level 00 and link with end .
     Remember click save after finish all edit.

Step4. Edit user card : access mode Card and PIN (it is necessary begin with card and pin, other access mode can’t enable level function) , user level 01 , Door Group 001 .


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