Serial NO : H03117001-EN
Date of Editing : 2013-04-30
Questions : Elevator Control AR-401-IO-0016R Troubleshooting
※ For elevator control application, TX LED don’t flash red
※ Converter AR-321L485 and Reader need share same power supplier unit
Check LED status as below picture shown
If LED turn lighting green , that meanAR-401-IO-0016R has been connected with power; if LED don’t urn lighting green ,that mean AR-401-IO-0016R has not been connected with right power, pls check power supplier wire
2. RX(Indicator LED for communication)
If RX LED flash, that mean AR-401-IO-0016R has receive message from reader
If AR-401-IO-0016R can not receive message from reader ( RX not flash) ,pls follow below step to do troubleshooting
1. After read one valid card to reader, RX LED can not flash at all
That mean the wiring or communication between AR-401-IO-0016R and Reader have problem, pls check connection and converter
2. After read one valid card to reader, RX LED can flash, but the corresponding Relay LED on 401RO16B don’t turn light
a. Check Elevator Parameter setting on Reader
[721H /725H /757H /321H /331H/881E Command 24*002 # Enable elevator control function ]
[727H /327H/82xE: 2. User Setting →5. Multi Floors,0 Enable/ 1Disable]
b. Check Terminal Port Option
[727H /327H/82x: 5.Tools→4.Terminal Port →Select 1.AR401R16]