Serial NO : H03317008-EN
Date of Editing : 2013-08-29
Questions : what is the reason to cause the error event log on Web-Base?
One Customer purchase AR-829E-V5 and use “Web-Base” function to check daily event log , everything is well at first, but after using for several months , Web-Base start to display error event log as below picture shown:
Problem Solving:
Web-Base display the event log that stored in controller, however the maximum event log capacity stored in 829E-V5 is 32,000; so when the index number is more than 32,000 on Web-Base, it will become to display error format
In order to solve the problem, pls upgrade your controller with one newer firmware via”UDPupdater” that is created after Aug.26th,2013, the solution also can be used for 821EF-V5,727H-V5,725-V2 if you have same problem
“APS829Ev5__V0301 0826.STM”
“APS727Ev5__V0301 0826.STM”
“APS821Ev5__V0301 0826.STM”
“APS725Ev2__V0301 0826.STM”
Note: Pls make sure to use one newer “UDPupdater” Ver2.03 to upgrade as below picture shown