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Common Troubleshooting Methods for No Action of Elevator Configuration
No. S00315083-EN

Serial NO. : S003150083-EN

Date of Editing : 2022-12-23

Questions : Why lift control panel AR-401-IO-0016R has non-response? The issue of replacing a controller of elevator.


1. Introduction

2. Frequently asked questions of hardware

(1) Controller Model

(2) DIP Switch Setting

(3) The Model of Converter

(4) Enable / Disable Lift Control Function

(5) The Distance of the Converter to Controller

(6) The LED indicator issue of AR-401-IO-0016R

3. Frequently asked questions of software

(7) 701ServerSQL – LAN Base Option

(8) Connection Architecture (With / Without Multi-door Control Panel)

(9) User Access Floor Data Download / Update


1. Introduction: 

This article will guide you to troubleshoot the lift control panel issues, including hardware and software, please refer to following steps to exclude the problem.

Wiring Configuration >> AR-401-IO-0016R Manual

Software Parameter Setting >>701ClientSQL Manual - Chapter 11. Lift Control


2. Frequently asked questions of hardware: 

1. Controller Model 

SOYAL controllers could be divided into H and E series, there have some differences between the wiring, converter and DIP switch:

*A common replacement of controller mode is substituting AR-725E for AR-725H, please remind the configuration is different.

2. DIP Switch 

H Series:

The first control panel controls 1-16 floors, switch 1/5/8 on

E Series:

The first control panel controls 1-16 floors, switch 1/8 on.

DIP switch 8:

3. The Model of Converter 

H series controller is fixed to use AR-321L485-12V, E series controller is fixed to use AR-321L485-5V, substituting for each other is prohibited.

4. Enable / Disable Lift Control Function 

H series controller is required to enable lift control function via keypad command, entering program mode and inputting 24*066#.

(Value 064 is default enabled, so that the sum value is 002+064=066.)

E series controller has been defaulted to lift control function, therefore, it is not required to set parameter while adopting a new E series controller.

It is available to read controller parameters via 701ServerSQL, then confirm the CN9/CN11 have been set as lift control function.

*Controller with LCD screen is also available to confirm the setting on controller,

CN9: Enter program mode > 5.Tools > 0. UART Port CN9 > Lift 9600

CN11: Enter program mode > 5.Tools > 5. Ext. Comm CN11 > Lift

5. Configuration Distance 

The distance between the converter and controller is restricted below 15cm, or the communication will be abnormal.

6. The LED indicator issue of AR-401-IO-0016R


In normal status, the lift control panel will only light up the LED indicator of power supply; it means the one of device is broken when the Tx/Rx LED indicator have been lighted up.


*Please remind 321L485-5V/12V converter must have been de-energized before plugging off, preventing from the damage of device.

Tx lighted upThe malfunction of AR-401-IO-0016R panel
Rx lighted upThe malfunction of 321L485-5V/12V converter


3. Frequently asked questions of software 

7. 701ServerSQL – LAN Base Option 

If you substitute the controller model AR-725E for AR-725H, it is required to modify the  701ServerSQL LAN base option from 3K 321/331/725/888H to 327E/3xxE…/716Ev5

>>> 701ServerSQL LAN Base Table


8. Connection Architecture (With / Without Multi-door Control Panel) 

(1) Directly connect controller with PC (Without multi-door control panel):

Step1. Select target area of controller and “Download directly to selected controllers listed below”

Step2. Select the Node ID of controller

Step3. Execute the download and read function

(2) Controller connect via Multi-door Control Panel:

Step1. Select target area
Step2. Select “Download via AR716E to selected controllers listed below on the right” and the Node ID of Multi-door Control Panel

Step3. Select controller model (1024-H Series / 3072-725H / 05000-E Series)

Step4. Select the Node ID of controller

Step5. Execute the download and read function

※ The following is the table for floor control determination and identification:

Common Issue: Customers adopting the centralized architecture of dual-floor mode sometimes encounter a problem where the floor control data is only downloaded to the second-floor controller. This results in successful card verification but the relays fail to respond properly. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to re-download the floor control data to the multi-door controller.

9. User Access Floor Data Download / Update 


The original data of user access floor had been saved in controller after last edit, so it is available to download relevant data from the controller. If your controller is broken and the data hadn’t been backed up before, then it is required to rebuild all user access floor data.

Step1. Confirm the old controller is online

Step2. Confirm the import / export user range

701ClientSQL > Tools > Import / Export Format of Card

Step3. Select 8. User card edit

Step4. Select tools box > floor edit

Step5. Select connection function (refer to 7. Connection Architecture)

Step6. Assign the controller Node ID

Step7. Input user range and press “Read Range from 1st Node”

Step8. Select a random user in range to confirm the data has been read correctly, then select “Save to Text”

Step9. Connect the new controller

Step10. Select connection function again

Step11. Press “Read from Text” and select the file

Step12. Assign the user range and press “Write Range”

Step13. Finally, close the window of access floor edit, then open it again and using “Read One from 1st Node” or “Read Range from 1st Node” to confirm the data had been updated correctly

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