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837 Series Supports Body Temperature Authentication


1. Extension body temperature module AR-MDL-IA03605 for AR-837-EE, AR-837-EF, AR-837-W, AR-837-EA, AR-837-W

2. Finish authenticates body temperature in 2-3 seconds.

3. Real body temperature detection with high accuracy, show body temperature +- 0.5 degree celcius.

4. Set a standard temperature to restrict access on Commview (example: Set par into 37.80celcius). Exceed the standard temperature, access denied.

5. Shows user access's body temperature on 701Client event log

6. Suitable for installation on room temperature 10 -35 degree celcius.


How it works:

User stands in 50CM distance from access controller. Not only access identification on card, face, or PIN, but also body temperature being identified. If temperature module detected high temperature, it will not grant access even though access identification is valid. If temperature module detected a normal body temperature and user access is valid, controller will give access and show the body temperature on the LCD controller. at the same time 701Client will also create an event log "Normal Access" following the user temperature.


How to Order:

Order Enterprise Series Controller with Temperature Module, for example ordering face recognition AR-837-EA with Ethernet module and temperature module, order code AR-837-EABR11B1-AT (T= with temperature module).

Product information


  Face Recognition Access Controller



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