The complete manual to the latest and most updated Ver. 2022 SOYAL software of 701ServerSQL and 701ClientSQL is ready to guide you through all features and setting your SOYAL devices and system.
SOYAL 701ServerSQL/701Client SQL software version 10V3 added many new features and functions. In addition to continuing the existing File base operation mode, it also added the new operation mode of supporting SQL database mode with multi-person operation mode.
Under SQL database mode, one 701Server host can support multiple 701Client operations. In addition, the concept of area (Area) is added, and the total number of controllers supported by 701Server has been increased from 254 to 4064.
Every Client can select the appropriate operation mode to install according to your system requirements, Usually just follow the steps in the software installation manual and everyone can use the new software successfully.
701 Software Download:
More about 701 Software: 701ServerSQL and 701ClientSQL datasheet:
►701 Server Client SQL Catalogue
1. Installation guide for 701ServerSQL and 701ClientSQL
Either first time installation or upgrade to the latest version of 701Software in file base or database mode, both 701ServerSQL and 701ClientSQL installation guide can be seen through a single manual.
The installation guide includes:
- Single PC operation in File base Mode
- Single PC operation in Database Mode
- Multi PC operation in Database Mode (setting SOYAL-LINK)
- Troubleshooting and FAQ when running the installation
►701ServerSQL & 701ClientSQL Installation Guide
2. 701ServerSQL Manual
Additional features added into 701ServerSQL per March 2022 such as:
- Improve the speed of receiving the message logs (non-polling, only for IP-Based Enterprise Series (E Series) and Control Panel AR-716-E16)
- SOYAL-LINK function performs as communication gateway between SOYAL devices to implement Multi PC operation and integration to third party system in JSON, XML, or Modbus
- Home Series (H Series) and Enterprise Series (E Series) support back-up and restore parameter setting to easily set up bulk controller that applied same parameter setting
- Face recognition controller read and write face data from controller to PC and vice versa
- Setting the highest temperature limit if purchasing access controller with temperature module
- System user capacity increased to 20.000 users
The new manual is divided into:
►701ServerSQL Manual (complete manual of 701ServerSQL)
►Control Panel AR-716-E16 Parameter Setting on 701Server SQL
►Home Series (H Series) Controller Parameter Setting on 701Server SQL
►Enterprise Series (E Series) Controller Parameter Setting on 701Server SQL
3. 701ClientSQL Manual
Additional features added into 701ClientSQL per March 2022 such as:
- 701Client Portable Version available for download such as card ID shows as HEX and ABA64 format
- User Floor Access (lift control) configuration setting
- Graphic Animation complete guide
- Special Application such as Email Notification Setting, QR Code format, Mailbox Management, Shareable Parking Lot Solution, IPCAM to Capture User Image, Monitoring user flow, etc.
The new manual is divided into:
►701ClientSQL Manual (complete manual of 701ClientSQL)
►Comparison of 701ClientSQL Standard version & Portable version, how to apply Portable Version: