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701 Software Installations on Single PC VS Multi-PC

701Software consists of 701ServerSQL and 701ClientSQL. Each software has their own function in the system.

701ServerSQL Functions:

  • Actual connection and communication to hardware, hardware management and setting
  • Target users: System installation & maintenance personnel and network & information management personnel


701ClientSQL Functions:

  • User operation interface included user access level, transaction record, HR operation, user card data management, and report generator
  • Must connect to 701ServerSQL
  • Target users: Security guard and human resource personnel


  [ Single PC Operation Mode ] : 701ServerSQL & 701ClientSQL Installation under same PC  

User can choose Database mode or File System mode according to needs and requirement. Built-in the same operation user interface for both modes provides seamless upgrade from File System to Database easy and can be done without relearning.

  • File System: Easy to set up and maintain, suitable for small to medium scale system
  • Database System: Suitable for complex exchange data and transaction, centralized system, and medium to large scale system that required higher security.



  [ Multi PC Operation Mode ] : 701ServerSQL installed in the main PC, 701ClientSQL installed in office branch for user interface operation  

Software version 10.2 and after, under database mode supports 701ServerSQL in single PC connecting to 701ClientSQL in multi-PC. multi-PC only required to install 701ClientSQL and ODBC Connector.
What to expect from this features:

  • Multi-PC function must be under Database Mode.
  • For branch office or small office that only required single or few units of controller, communication through PC locally is not required and preparing one unit of computer is also unnecessary as the event logs and user card data is programmable in another branch office or headquarter.
  • Enhance communication speed between each Area instead of polling all hardware at once in the system.


  Connection between 701ServerSQL, 701ClientSQL, and Hardware  

Starting from Version 10.2 and after, SOYAL software has TCP-LINK feature that serve as Communication Bridge between 701ClientSQL to 701ServerSQL and third party integration, web based to 701ServerSQL.

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