SOYAL support JSON command that be used for third party platform to integrate with SOYAL access control system. SOYAL access control devices connected to SOYAL 701ServerSQL can be also monitored and controlled at the same time by the 3rd party software through sending Json command via SOYAL 701 Server software, in which is recommended to integrate with Visitor management system, Time Attendance system, BMS system and so on.
The follow table lists all Json commands SOYAL offers now, there are total 10 commands with c_cmd value “1000” /“1001”/ “1002”/ “1003” /“1004” /“1021” /“1022”/“3002”/ “3003”/ and “2000”; “2000” is a new protocol transmission command that we can also call it as universal command, which allows all protocol commands from E series controller protocol documents to be transferred to controller via c_cmd value “2000” and 701ServerSQL. The following is four examples how to use the new universal command “2000” to transfer protocol command to controller through 701ServerSQL software.
C_CMD Value | Function | Structure | |
1000 | Get Server Information | ||
1001 | Get Controller Type and Online Status | ||
1002 | Get Remote Terminal Controller IO status | ||
1003 | Get Access Controller IO status | ||
1004 | Set Remote Terminal Controller IO status | ||
1021 | Set Guest Tag UID and Date Time limit | ||
1022 | Clear Guest Tag UID and Date Time limit | ||
3002 | Create Event Log | ||
3003 | Set Controller Real Time Clock | ||
2000 | Protocol transmission in HEX Format |
(Tick to jump directly to the content)
► Example1: Control Door Lock Relay On/Off by Json command “2000” and protocol command “21H“
► Example4: Get Event Log from controller by Json command “2000” and protocol command “25H“
Example1: Control Door Lock Relay On/Off by Json command “2000” and protocol command “21H“
Control Door Lock Relay On/Off by Json command “2000” and protocol command 21H (7E 05 01 21 84 5B 01)
Jason Command:
"l_user": "login user",
"cmd_array": [{
"c_cmd": 2000,
"Area": 0,
"Node": 1,
"Hex": "0x2184"
{"l_user":"login user","cmd_array":[{"c_cmd":2000,"Area":0,"Node":1,"Hex":"0x2184"}]}
Example2: Set Guest Access Time Period include lift data by Json command “2000” and protocol command “8BH“
Set Guest Access Time Period include lift data by Json command “2000” and protocol command 8BH (7E 26 01 8B 57 00 00 C8 00 00 00 00 10 C7 37 92 00 00 04 BC 86 FF FF FF 16 06 10 0A 1B 17 06 10 0A 1B 00 00 00 FF A7 D7)
In this case, we will set user Address 200 with Card ID 04295:14226, PIN Code: 1212, Access Mode Card & PIN,
Begin Date 2022/6/16 at 10:27, End Date 2023/6/16 at 10:27 , Available Floors: 1F~8F
Jason Command:
"l_user": "login user",
"cmd_array": [{
"c_cmd": 2000,
"Area": 0,
"Node": 1,
"Hex": "0x8B570000C80000000010C73792000004BC86FFFFFF1606100A1B1706100A1B000000FF
{"l_user":"login user","cmd_array":[{"c_cmd":2000,"Area":0,"Node":1,"Hex":"0x8B570000C80000000010C73792000004BC86FFFFFF1606100A1B1706100A1B000000FF "}]}
Example3: Set RTC (Real Time Clock) to Controller by Json command “2000” and protocol set RTC command “23H“
Set RTC (Real Time Clock) to Controller by Json command “2000” and protocol set RTC command 23H (7E 0B 01 23 07 1B 0A 05 10 06 16 CE 4F)
Json Command:
"l_user": "login user",
"cmd_array": [{
"c_cmd": 2000,
"Area": 0,
"Node": 1,
"Hex": "0x23071B0A05100616"
{"l_user":"login user","cmd_array":[{"c_cmd":2000,"Area":0,"Node":1,"Hex":"0x23071B0A05100616"}]}
( 07 1B 0A 05 10 06 16 in Hex format = 07 27 10 05 16 06 22 in Dec format means Sec.Min.Hr.Week.Day.Mon.Year 2022 Jun 16 at 10:27:07)
Example4: Get Event Log from controller by Json command “2000” and protocol command “25H“
Get Event Log from controller by Json command “2000” and protocol command 25H (7E 04 01 25 DB 01)
Json Command:
"l_user": "login user",
"cmd_array": [{
"c_cmd": 2000,
"Area": 0,
"Node": 1,
"Format": "L",
"Length": 1,
"Hex": "0x25"
{"l_user":"login user","cmd_array":[{"c_cmd":2000,"Area":0,"Node":1,"Format":"L","Length":1,"Hex":"0x25"}]}