701Server/Client 10V2 Version is released. The 10V2 software structure is completely upgraded compared with the preivous 9XX version and 10V1 version.
What is new on 10V2 software?
10V2 software support the operation mode of Single Server PC and Multiple Client PC. The user only need to install 10V2 701Server software and SQL database on one Server PC and then the Server PC will be able to accept maximum 10 different Clients PC connection via ODBC. On each Client PC, the user only need to install 701Client Software ( exclude 701Server software installation) and install ODBC Driver to assign to SQL Database installed on Server PC.
After upgrade 10V2 software, the user can allow to select up to 16 different Area on COM Setting Page of 701Server; each Area has independent com port and IP Address selection that can support 254 Node ID hardware communciation. 16 Areas support total 16*254= 4064 Node ID hardware communciation. The Multiple Area feature will solve problem with limited controller units under one system (replacing large door group limit) and to speed up polling mode per AREA.
Note: Area feature is completed on 701 Server and completion on 701 Client will be available on Ver. 10.2.2; Upgrade from previous version to 10.2, all controller’s setting on LAN will be grouped to AREA 0 (default); The current released 10.2.1 software support default Area0 function on 701Client)