Multi-Vehicles Share One Parking Space Setting Method:
Step 1. Control Panel AR-716-E16 equipped with custom firmware for Multi-Vehicles Share One Parking Space function (please contact SOYAL sales team for further detail):
Step 2. 701Client Setting:
- Example of control panel equipped with 5 vehicles share 5 parking space, limited only for user 10000~14999, 1 group 5 user so range will be 10000~10004 is group 1 (5 user), 10005~10009 is group 2 (5 user) continuously until user range 14999, total 1000 groups with shared parking space.
- In PIN field for each user group, enter how many parking spaces to be shared per group. For example: entering 1 means group 1 user 10000~14999 share 1 parking space and so on.