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How to update the firmware for AR-401-IO-0016R?
No. H01917002-EN

Serial NO. : H01917002-EN

Date of Editing : 2011-07-22

Questions : How to update the firmware for AR-401-IO-0016R?

Problem Solving :

Device: AR-401-IO-0016R, AR-701CM and PC


Wire connection: Please connect AR-401-IO-0016R with PC by AR-701CM (connect RS-485 (blue and green wires) of AR-401-IO-0016R with RS-485(blue and green wires) of AR-701CM and then connect to PC)


Hardware setting:


AR-401-IO-0016R  Dip switch set as (On, Off, Off, Off, Off, Off, Off, Off) (Node id 1, transfer speed BAU9600)

Software setting:

  1. Please download SoyalDeviceTools.exe and install it.
  2. After installing SoyalDeviceTools.exe, you could execute ISP Tools to update the firmware. The operation figure is as below:

  1. Select Communication Port
  2. Select Controller => If the module is AR-401RO16/ AR-401DI, please select “AR721H/W(125K/13.56M)”
  3. Select Target Node number => Node number 1
  4. Click “Load F/W(*.ISP) File” to load firmware file from PC
  5. Click “Upgrade Target (Program)” button
  6. Click “Exit” to finish firmware upgrade


* Please do not offline or shutdown the controller during ISP upgrade.

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