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How to increase the security level of electric locks?
No. H00101003-EN

Serial NO. : H00101003-EN

Date of Editing : 2015-07-15

Questions :  How to increase the security level of electric locks?

Problem Solving :

A more secure wiring with electric locks is to separate the controller and its door relay. In order to strengthen the security and to avoid the short circuit made by saboteurs on purpose, here offers two best wirings:

1. The most cost-effective method of wiring:

Advantage: It is a cost-effective way to increase security level by simply adding a digital relay 721RB.

The keypad controller requests two commands:

(1)Enable the security trigger signal by the command [34*128#]

(2)Disable the function of push button by the command [20*000#]

※ Note: It is necessary to separate controllers and 721RB’s power, and share common ground.


2. The most secure method of wiring: It is suggested to install WG reader outside and controller indoor to avoid the disability of access control when the controller is broken by force.

※Note: It is necessary to separate the controller and WG reader’s power, and share common ground.

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