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How to set up AR-721UB as RS232 output and test card via CommView ?
No. H02001001-EN

Serial NO. : H02001001-EN

Date of Editing : 2012-09-10

Questions :  How to set up AR-721UB as RS232 output and test card via CommView ?

Problem Description:

Some customer need connect AR-721UB to RS232 port on PC directly, when present card to AR-721UB, the card number can be received by their own integration software for further application.

Actually AR-721U manual have shown you how to set RS232 output and protocol format

But many customer don’t understand how to do, hereby, the instruction is made to explain you how to understand 721U manual about RS232 output setting

Problem Solving:


1. Regarding to AR-721U manual, switch jumper to set 721UB as RS-232 output: SW1 ON and SW2 OFF

2. pls refer to below the wiring, connect DAT0 Green cable of 721UB to Pin2 of RS232 connector,  Add one 10K resistance between them and connect to 12V V+ adaptor

Connect Black GND and Pin5 of RS232 connector together to same ground

Test via Commview

After above connection is ready, you can use “CommView” to test one card, follow the the manual that show you one instance about protocol format; execute “CommView” and select right com port,

Click” Start Moni” icon; and then when you present one card to 721UB, the card number with protocol format will be received on the space column as below picture shown.


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