Serial NO. : I003004-EN
Date of Editing : 2009-07-03
Questions : How is the compatibility of our Card and Reader with other Access Control System? How can you assure some person who has a RF card and casually the frequency and the serial No. is same can not access to the door?
Problem Solving :
Normally, if the RF card has the same frequency, 125KHz or 13.56MHz, our reader is able to read the card. However, there are still some spec needs to be considered.
Please see the information bellow.
125Khz (EM Marine):
13.56MHz (Mifare): MF1 S50
MIFARE, RF Interface (ISO/IEC 14443A)
True anticollision
According to the information, PSK type can be read by our reader. Basically, each card making factory will assure their card number is not repeated, and Mifare card maker even announce that their card is true anti-collision. What you are saying is true, if you have a card with a same frequency and serial number, you can access the door. If you consider about this security problem, Mifare system is offering a higher standard of protection than EM. You can even higher your protection by doing SOR. After doing SOR, your Mifare Card and reader will be given a new user number. So, if you flash a Mifare card not doing SOR in front of a SOR reader, the card can not be read. You can also use this function to restrict your user to buy cards only from you.
There are several benefits of doing SOR