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How to set up the basic configuration of Time Attendance of 701ClientSQL, including instruction of Day Shift.
No. S00311012-EN

Serial NO. : S00311012-EN

Date of Editing : 2023-08-29

Content  :

1. Time Attendance Setting

     1-1 Work Time [First and Last Records]

     1-2 Depend On [Duty Function Key]

2. Attendance Shift Setting (Work Start/End/Overtime Time Setting)

     2-1 Weekly Attendance Shift

     2-2 Monthly Attendance Shift

     2-3 Duty Time / Overtime Calculation of 701System

3. Duty Start Time [Day Shift]

4. Interested in using SOYAL reader for card swiping attendance, but need a solution for handling complex shifts?

     4-1 Use a third-party attendance system to receive entry and exit data.

     4-2 Establish independent department attendance groups.

     4-3 Choose the attendance record method "Depend On [Duty Function Key]" and set up two readers for clocking in and out respectively.

     4-4 Set the reader to automatically switch shifts based on time periods (Auto Duty Shift).

5. Checklist for Inspection



1.Time Attendance Setting  

All SOYAL reader models support the Time Attendance based on 701ServerSQL. There are two ways to record attendance:

1-1. Work Time [First and Last Records]

1-2. Depend On [Duty Function Key]

The system allows the selection of only one attendance recording method.


If your company has a compatible attendance system, you can refer to the Third-party Attendance Integration FAQ. This allows you to forward card swiping information to your desired path or specified IP.

The most common forwarding method is the "Time Attendance Export Format". In this approach, 701Client exports the complete personnel entry and exit records as a text file  to a designated folder at regular intervals. The third-party system (e.g. 104 HR system) automatically retrieves the Time Attendance files from the specified folder.

Related Resources ➤Third-party Attendance Integration FAQ

Next, we will provide an introduction to using the attendance function with 701ClientSQL:


1-1Work Time [First and Last Records]

When calculating Attendance Reports, the system's default attendance method is "A. Work Time [First and Last Records]," which is suitable for general small to medium-sized offices with a standard working schedule (e.g., 9 AM to 5 PM). If the office follows fixed work hours, it is recommended to use this mode.

This allows the system to automatically calculate the employee's daily "Work Time [First and Last Records]" card swiping data as their clock-in and clock-out times.


  • Daily Record:


  • Daily Report:

Work Time [First and Last Records] calculates the employee's daily work hours based on the recorded data in the single-day log file for that individual.


1-2 Depend On [Duty Function Key] (Only supported on E Series controllers)

Supported Controller Types : 


When using this function, employees must select their shift (F1-F4 keys on the reader) before swiping their cards. The system will calculate their attendance based on the selected "clock in" or "clock out" according to your choice.

If your company has complex work hours, with significant variations in start and end times for employees in different departments, you can use B. Depend On [Duty Function Key] for attendance recording. Before swiping card, employee press the F1-F4 keys on the reader to choose their shift (clock in/clock out). This attendance method is supported only on E series screen readers. The system will still calculate attendance based on Duty Start Time [Day Shift].

*The reader supports automatic shift selection. Administrators can set the default shift for each time period on the reader. After manually selecting a shift, the system will automatically revert to the default shift after 3-5 seconds. For detailed settings, refer to Auto Duty Shift paragraph at the end of this document.

*In the 701Client settlement report, manual adjustments to clock in and clock out times are possible to prevent unforeseen circumstances, e.g., employees forgetting their cards, early departure on a public holiday, or forgetting to clock in. For more details, refer to  ➤ 701ClientSQL Manual

  • Daily Record:

  • Daily Report:



2. Attendance Shift Setting (Work Start/End/Overtime Time Setting) 

Attendance Shift Setting has been set completely,  you need to configure Attendance Groups. There are a total of 49 groups available for configuration, and there are two setting functions:

2-1 Weekly Attendance Shift

This is suitable for companies with fixed schedules, where the entire company follows the same work hours, or where different departments have different work hours. You can set up a small number of attendance groups and assign them to respective individuals.


2-2 Monthly Attendance Shift

This is suitable for small companies or those with non-shift-based work (e.g., hourly restaurant employees) where there are few employees, each with different work hours.
In this case, you can edit the attendance on a monthly basis, and the group names can be set as the respective employee's name for easy selection.

Once the group settings are completed, you'll need to use the      8. User Card Edit to specify which group of each employee should be associated with for attendance settlement.

For first-time users of the 701Client system, a common question is "Why doesn't the working hours calculation exclude lunch break time?" or "Why isn't overtime calculated?"

The reason is as follows:

The break function is primarily provided for use by third-party attendance software. When selecting the "Depend On [Duty Function Key]" attendance mode, 701Client system can export shift codes. Third-party software can then calculate more accurate attendance times based on these codes. If using 701Client, employees must clock in and out for lunch break (lunch out/lunch in) to calculate working hours excluding the lunch break.

Similarly, for overtime calculation, employees must clock in and out for overtime (overtime in/overtime out). Only then can the system calculate the overtime hours for the individual. Therefore, managers need to adjust the actual clocking process accordingly or refer to the coordination with third-party attendance software when using the system.


2-3 Working Hours/Overtime Calculation Method

The calculation of working hours and overtime in the Daily Report and Monthly Report is based on the "attendance recording method." The following will provide a detailed explanation:


a. Attendance time

b. Working hours calculation standard

Working hours can be calculated based on the schedule or actual time, as detailed in the subsequent example.


C. Clocking conditions: For example, Xiao Ming's work start time today is at 08:01, and the end time is 18:21.

  • 2-3-1 Work Time [First and Last Records] (Based on Schedule)

Working Hours:

Due to the flexible 15-minute time range, the end time is adjusted to 17:31, and the actual end time is 18:21. In the "Based on Schedule" mode, as long as the employee meets the normal working hours, the working hours are a fixed number of hours. Any time worked beyond this is considered "overtime."

Formula: Working Hours = [(End of Attendance Period - Start of Attendance Period) - Lunch Break Time]


Any time worked beyond 17:45 is considered overtime. Therefore, subtracting 17:45 from 18:21 gives a total of 36 minutes of overtime.


  • 2-3-2 Work Time [First and Last Records] (Based on Actual Clock-Out Time)

Working Hours:

In this calculation method, the working hours part subtracts the actual clock-out time from the actual clock-in time, and then deducts the lunch break.

Formula: Working Hours = [(Actual Clock-Out Time - Actual Clock-In Time) - Lunch Break Time]


Any time worked beyond 17:45 is considered overtime. Therefore, subtracting 17:45 from 18:21 gives a total of 36 minutes of overtime.


  • 2-3-3 Depend On [Duty Function Key]

Working Hours:

In this mode, working hours are calculated as the difference between "clock-out" and "clock-in." The system calculates based on the actual swipe times when the individual presses the clock-in and clock-out buttons.


In this mode, overtime hours are calculated as the difference between "overtime out" and "overtime in."

 If an individual needs to work overtime but does not swipe for "overtime in" and "overtime out," the overtime hours will not be calculated. Please pay special attention to this. If "overtime in" and "overtime out" are not swiped, working hours cannot be calculated.


3. Duty Start Time [Day Shift]

A. The 701ServerSQL system includes the "Duty Start Time [Day Shift]" for attendance (customizable, with a default of 03:59). It's crucial in attendance calculation that individuals should not clock in or out beyond the "Duty Start Time [Day Shift]" to avoid having the clock-out recorded as the next day's clock-in.

The key point of setting "Duty Start Time [Day Shift]" is to prevent clock-ins or clock-outs from crossing over this time boundary.

Here, we'll use a practical example to illustrate "Duty Start Time [Day Shift]:

The system's "Duty Start Time [Day Shift]" is set at 03:59. Here, we encounter three scenarios:


A. Aiden clocks in for work at 08:00 on 8/15 and clocks out at 18:00 on 8/15.

For Aiden, both the clock-in and clock-out times are on the same day, whether in actual time or in the 701Client system time. Therefore, there are no issues, and working hours are calculated normally.

DateClock-InClock-OutWorking Hours

B. Sammi clocks in for work at 08:00 on 8/16 and clocks out at 02:15 on 8/17.

For Sammi, the clock-in and clock-out times are on different days in actual time, but in the 701Client system time, they are on the same day. Since it doesn't cross the system's "Duty Start Time [Day Shift]," the system will calculate the clock-out time as 26:15, and the working hours are calculated normally.

DateClock-InClock-OutWorking Hours

C. Elvin clocks in for work at 08:00 on 8/15 and clocks out at 06:00 on 8/16.

For Elvin, the clock-in and clock-out times are on different days in both actual time and 701Client system time (crossing the "Duty Start Time [Day Shift]"). Therefore, even though the clock-in on 8/15 at 08:00 is normal, the clock-out on 8/16 at 06:00 will be recognized by the system as starting work on the next day. This results in the inability to calculate the clock-out time and working hours correctly for both 8/15 and 8/16.

In summary, adherence to the system's "Duty Start Time [Day Shift]" is crucial for accurate attendance calculations, ensuring that clock-ins and clock-outs do not cross over into the next day's work.

DateClock-InClock-OutWorking Hours
DateClock-InClock-OutWorking Hours


If you have encountered this issue, you can refer to the FAQ below to reset the Duty Start Time [Day Shift] and recalculate the Daily/Monthly Report to display the correct clock-in and clock-out times.

Related Resources FAQ ➤Why it shows “NEGL” in Monthly Report? Why it shows “NEGL” in weekends and national holiday on Daily Report?


4. Interested in using SOYAL reader for card swiping attendance, but need a solution for handling complex shifts?

4-1 Integration of Third-Party Attendance System

You can seek out customized third-party attendance system providers to integrate with SOYAL card readers. Generally, third-party attendance systems offer comprehensive attendance time calculation settings and customizable multi-shift systems. SOYAL card readers can be easily integrated with these systems. Typically, card swipe data can be provided in the following two ways. For detailed setup pages and other integration methods, please refer to the integration document provided below:

a. The card reader actively sends card swipe data to a specified IP address, which is then received by the third-party attendance system.

b. 701Client exports the access records to a text file on a daily timed basis, which is then received by the third-party attendance system.

FAQ ➤ How to Enable Cross-system Integration to Get Soyal Controller Transaction Log?


4-2 Establishing Attendance Groups

701Client inherently supports the configuration of multiple attendance groups. If the company has a small workforce and employees work in shifts, the system also allows for manual editing of each employee's clock-in and clock-out times for attendance calculation each month. After configuring the attendance groups, they can be assigned to individual employees.


4-3  Choose "Depend On [Duty Function Key]" Attendance Shift Setting and Set Up Separate Clock-in and Clock-out Readers

Using only one card reader and requiring all employees to press a function key before swiping their cards can be challenging, as some might forget to do so. To address this, managers can set up two card readers and fix the shift mode for each reader. This way, employees don't need to press any keys before swiping their cards. Additionally, using different readers for clocking in and out reduces the likelihood of errors.

If you choose to install two readers and use "B. Depend On [Duty Function Key]," remember to set the clock-out card reader to display "clock-out" throughout the day. Refer to the following section  4-4. for setting up automatic shift change times.


4-4  Setting Automatic Shift Change Times

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Attendance Shift Setting is divided into two forms: A. Work Time [First and Last Records] and B. Depend On [Duty Function Key].

Both modes allow for setting automatic shifts by specifying the default shift values for the card reader at different times. However, this feature is more meaningful in the B. Depend On [Duty Function Key] mode because the assigned function key determines the attendance record based on the current shift when swiping the card.

On the other hand, in the A. Work Time [First and Last Records] mode, the automatic shift setting simply displays the current shift on the card reader. If automatic shift settings are not configured, the default value for the card reader is to display the "duty-on" shift for 24 hours.


Setting Procedure:

STEP 1. Choose "Read from controller"

STEP 2. Select the "Duty shift."

STEP 3. Select the automatic shift in the top right corner.

STEP 4. Set the displayed shifts for each time period on the card reader based on your requirements.

              4.1 Select Monday to Sunday.

              4.2 Set shift display for each time period in a 24-hour cycle, specifying days of the week, holidays, shift display periods.

STEP 5. Click "Confirm" and choose "Write to controller."


5. Checklist for Inspection 

ConfirmationItemCheck Content
1.Attendance Shift Setting Confirmation: If "Depend On [Duty Function Key]" is chosen, ensure that 701Client's detailed information displays the shift name. If choosing the first/last record, ensure that 701Client's detailed information only displays the card number.
2.After completing the attendance shift setup, ensure that each individual's assigned attendance group is specified in the card data editing section.
3.Regardless of the chosen Attendance Shift Setting or attendance shift setup, ensure that the clock-in and clock-out times do not cross Duty Start Time [Day Shift].
4.Is the automatic shift setting correct? Verify that automatic shifts are set for each day of the week (Monday to Sunday).
5.Ensure that "Automatic shift" is checked.


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