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How to Enable Cross-system Integration to Get Soyal Controller Transaction Log?
No. I005023-EN

Serial NO.  : I005023

Date of Editing : 2021-04-15

Content  :

1. Introduction

2. The comparative table of event log exporting with different modes

3. Operation of 4 different export functions

     Method 1: When 701ServerSQL receives a message, it simultaneously forwards it to a third party.
     Method 2: 701ClientSQL converts messages into text files either at scheduled intervals or in real-time, which can be extracted by third-party software.
     Method 3: Controllers directly upload to the cloud (Enterprise Series (E Series) TCPIP Controller send event log automatically)

     3-1 The controller uploads text messages to the cloud immediately upon event occurrence, without waiting for confirmation.
     3-2 The controller uploads HEX messages to the cloud immediately upon event occurrence but requires confirmation before transmitting the next one.

     Method 4. Setup second backup folder in 701ServerSQL
     Method 5: Obtain data from 10v version 701 Server Data Base

4. The functions of 3th Party Cross-system update data to 701ClientSQL

     Method 1. 3th Party Cross-system update card data to 701ClientSQL and controller automatically


1. Introduction 

Different Cross-system Integrations (time attendance software, central monitoring system and etc.) required to import access message for data-building, statement analysis and alarm trigger application. Therefore, SOYAL provides lots of methods as below for exporting the event logs to the 3th Party Cross-system Platform:

2. The comparative table of event log exporting with different modes

Method 1: When 701ServerSQL receives a message, it simultaneously forwards it to a third party.
Method 2: 701ClientSQL converts messages into text files either at scheduled intervals or in real-time, which can be extracted by third-party software.
Method 3: Controllers directly upload to the cloud (Enterprise Series (E Series) TCPIP Controller send event log automatically)
Method 4. Setup second backup folder in 701ServerSQL
Method 5: Obtain data from 10v version 701 Server Data Base

3. Operation of 4 different export functions 

Method 1: When 701ServerSQL receives a message, it simultaneously forwards it to a third party.

Reference documents ➔ 701ServerSQL Event Log Bypass Second Server Example

Method 2. 701ClientSQL converts messages into text files either at scheduled intervals or in real-time, which can be extracted by third-party software.

Setup the function of “Time Attendance Export Format” in 701Client to export the event log as .txt file in real time to the assigned path. 3th Party Cross-system Platform can import the file to its system for various application, .txt file is adjustable to the field and format, please refer to the picture below:

*Time Attendance Export Format options please refer to the manual Chapter7.5 - 701ClientSQL-en.pdf (

Method 3: Controllers directly upload to the cloud (Enterprise Series (E Series) TCPIP Controller send event log automatically)

Enterprise Series TCPIP Controller has the feature of export transaction log actively, it is available to setup remote Server IP and transport the messages in two ways:

3-1 The controller uploads text messages to the cloud immediately upon event occurrence, without waiting for confirmation – Message Server Port Setup Communication Free Acknowledgement Mode (8031):  

Transport by text form, automatically delete message without ensure by the server host. Not required to setup second IP Address because it is free acknowledgement.

3-2 The controller uploads HEX messages to the cloud immediately upon event occurrence but requires confirmation before transmitting the next one – Message Server Port Setup Communication required acknowledgement (8033): 

Transport by SOYAL Communication Protocol (HEX format), delete message after ensure the server host send confirmation log. This mode is required to receive confirmation message, therefore, it can setup second IP Address for sending message to second spare IP while the Server do not get confirmation over 5 seconds.

Method 4. Setup second backup folder for Daily Transaction Report in 701ServerSQL

701 Software will create the date.msg file after got event log from the Controller, we can setup second backup folder to save the date.msg in different path, the setting method is as below:





The field form definition of .msg file please refer to the table below, 3th Party Cross-system Platform can analyze the data from the log value:

File base

* Requirement of Controller Event Code Table please contact SOYAL (

Method 5. Adopt V10 701ServerSQL Database Mode

SOYAL 701ServerSQL after Ver10 support File Base and Data Base Structures, 3th Party Cross-system Platform can get transaction logs in the database immediately while using Data Base Mode, the transaction log definition is as below:


4. The functions of 3th Party Cross-system update data to 701ClientSQL

Method 1. 3th Party Cross-system update card data to 701ClientSQL and controller automatically


Generally, SOYAL controllers’ access management and card data edition are all controlled by 701ServerSQL and 701ClientSQL, however, 3th Party Cross-system could update card data actively to 701softwares, to prevent from software management being too complicated to large enterprises.

701ClientSQL supports 3th Party Cross-system update card data to 701ClientSQL and controllers automatically, please refer to the steps below:

Step1. 701ClientSQL > Tools > Import/Export Format of Card

Step2. Tick up “AUTO Import and Download”

Step3. Tick up “Download to contoller while import data”

(it is choosible option, required to download through 701Client F-Download data when not ticked)

Step4. Setup the path and file name

Step5. Confirm that the card data in 8.User card edit had been modified, also can verify by card presentation when “Download to contoller while import data” optio had been ticked.


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